This request is made with the understanding that:
(i) Applicant is not requesting to be insured as to any interest in the Subject Property at this time;
(ii) Applicant understands it may request to be insured as to a fee, leasehold or lien interest in the subject property at any time; that the Company has the right to review said request, and to accept or decline it in the Company’s sole discretion; and in the event the Company accepts said request, the Company will cause to be issued a commitment to insure containing requirements and exceptions based on sound underwriting practices of the Company and as required by law.
Applicant acknowledges the following:
1. That the cost of the Report is nominal in comparison to the value of the Subject Property, and also as to any potential loss Applicant may incur in reliance on the Report;
2. That the type and amount of any potential loss that the Applicant might incur in reliance on the requested Report cannot be determined at the time of this application;
3. That the Company is unwilling to be exposed to unknown and unlimited liability for any potential loss Applicant might incur in reliance on the requested Report without receiving full payment for the cost of a title insurance policy that would insure Applicant; and therefore the Company is unwilling to issue the requested Report unless Applicant agrees (i) to a limitation on the liability of the Company in its issuance of the requested Report as described below, and (ii) to release the Company from any other liability; and
4. Applicant is so willing to agree.
NOW THEREFORE, as part of the consideration for the issuance of the requested Report by the Company, Applicant (a) hereby agrees that the liability of the Company under the requested Report is limited to the cost paid by Applicant to the Company for said Report, and (b) hereby waives any cause of action against the Company, its agents, underwriters and their employees, for any negligence in the search of the public records and/or in the preparation of the Report, and (c) hereby releases the Company, its agents, underwriters and their employees, from liability for any damages Applicant may sustain due to reliance on a Report issued by the Company that may contain any errors or omissions.