2870 Superior Drive NW, Rochester MN 55901
Is there a prior insured loan being paid off? Yes No
Please enter the loan amount. If this is a cash purchase, please contact Rochester Title & Escrow at #507-282-6337 for a fee quote.
Notice: The above charges are not a comprehensive list of charges that may be applicable to this transaction. Below are a partial listing of other services/scenarios and the estimated related charge:
In addition, if this transaction involves the use of a Power of Attorney as signatory for any party, one or more trusts, bankruptcy, divorce, anything requiring additional title evidence, docketed judgments or state and/or federal tax liens, additional charges will be applicable. Call Rochester Title for a breakdown based on specific circumstances.
As a value added service to our customers, we have provided you with a rate calculator to estimate the cost of your transaction. Please keep in mind there may be varying circumstances which may cause these values to change. These rates are based on either sale price or loan amount.
Not to be used for construction or commercial loans. Please contact Carissa in our construction department or Sue Hanson in our commercial department for rates & closing costs.